Wednesday, December 26, 2007


this is going to be on some epic shit.
fucking Ghislain Poirier & Sixtoo, aka, the dudes we've been listening to since we were 14. this is at the Coda. this is how it goes down:
10-12 = Hoverduder on the lazershooter
midnight = champagne and histeria
12:01 - 3 = Sixtoo & Ghislain tag teaming. oh yes.

butbutbutbut, as we all know, these dudes party with flamethrowers and other assorted devices, so the loft party is hapenning. more Six&Ghis from 3h30 to 5h30, then Hov tag teams with the Blingmod! fresh from SF and Hawaii, dude will be on killing duty from 5h30 to 7h30

one for the history booooookkkkkkssssss
holler at some dudes for adress of loft party.

Monday, December 17, 2007


so one of the lazerdudes (robophonics) left for nicaragua today. duder will only be back in a month. but no worries, hovatron will stick around and make sure hyphy and lazer rap are still played in a belligerent semi-coherent manner. expect snapped necks and busted bass bins.

this is what Nicaragua looks like.

...and this is what we have:

it's cool though, as this friday hovahov officially starts running game on the weekly at Sing Sing with Rhys Taylor, until the homie Blingmod gets back from Hawaii (do I even NEED to post a picture of THAT shit???). so friday come eat good food, drink good drank and get warmth from lazer heat rays.

big shit is planned for new year's eve, stay tuned.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Serious Reggae Soundsystem @ Zoobizarre

last megasoid party of the year
+scottish lazers
+lachine lazers
+megasoid remix action

fire fire fire fire fire fire fire

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Fredge Grows Older

fred is the dude
kopshop is the shit
sing sing is dope

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Bass Culture Six @ Zoobizarre

ninja's finest and weaponshouse are bringing in the heavy artilery this saturday.